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Heart Disease,
and Total
Heart Health

Two Thirds of Americans Are Overweight And
At Risk For Heart Disease

Obesity Is The Number One Health Problem in America

Two-thirds of the American population is overweight or obese. Doctors and scientists generally agree that men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 30% body fat are obese. In addition to the self-image problems of being overweight in a society where a thin body is the ideal, obesity is a serious heart health problem.

Although all the reasons why obesity is dangerous to your heart are unclear, some are very clear. Research shows excess body weight raises LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increases blood pressure and incidence of Type 2 Diabetes. These contribute to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and ultimately heart disease.

If you are overweight, your doctor may recommend you change your diet, although there is much controversy as to which diet is the best for weight loss. Exercise may also be recommended. People who are over weight often have difficulty continuing with diet or exercise programs. Two thirds of those who lose weight gain it back within 5 years. Many resort to drugs or gastric surgery, which can have seriously adverse side effects.

Total Heart Health Recommendations
For Losing Weight Permanently and Safely

When your body loses the connection with it’s own intelligence, the unified field of nature, our body’s systems and organs are thrown out of balance and break down, and it may be difficult to maintain a normal body weight for your body type.

In Ayurveda, there are three main basic principles, which govern all the body’s activities. Vata is the principle of movement, Pitta is the principle of transformation or heat, and Kapha is the principle of structure. These principles give rise to various combinations, resulting in different body types. Generally, Vata is a thin, small or tall body type. Pitta has a medium build and medium height, and Kapha body types tend to be large and heavy. Every individual has an ideal weight to fit his or her body type.

Being overweight or obese can be due to a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha imbalance. The Total Heart Health program has a much different approach to weight control the usual calorie counting, fat obsessed regimen.

THH doesn’t focus on appetite suppression or calorie reduction typical of most weight-loss programs, because that slows down fat metabolism. If the body doesn’t assimilate fat and carbohydrates effectively, then fat and impurities accumulate in the body as excess weight.

THH doesn’t target calorie reduction because that typically leads to the “yo-yo effect,” in which people return to their previous eating patterns (which almost all of them do) and gain back the weight they lost and more! And the underlying imbalances are still there.

Instead, THH focuses on correcting the primary imbalance that is causing the problem. The Total Heart Health approach to weight management not only helps you achieve a healthy weight, but also results in increased stamina, a more efficiently functioning body, and youthful appearance.

THH suggests that people who want to balance their weight decide which kind of weight gain best describes them, and then follow the corresponding THH guidelines.* Here’s a brief Ayurvedic description of the types of weight gain:

  • Kapha-type weight gain: Due to a lack of digestive fire and low metabolic activity. These people gain tend to gain weight, even though they may eat very small amounts of food. This is a very common weight program. The THH solution is to follow a waste and toxin-eliminating program as outlined in the Kapha-pacifying diet.
  • Pitta-type weight gain: This occurs when a person has long-term waste buildup and the channels around the stomach are clogged, creating too much heat in the body. Appetite may be very high, with a lot of thirst, and maybe heartburn or other Pitta imbalances, such as irritability and impatience. These individuals should be on a cooling diet to eliminate toxins.
  • Vata-type weight gain: If you are Vata predominant, you are normally thin and wiry. But that doesn’t mean weight gain will never be a problem for you. Vata weigh gain is related to mental stress. When under stress, Vata people may forget to eat regularly, thus disturbing their digestion, and clogging the channels — this may lead to weight gain. They should follow a Vata balancing diet.

*Be sure to consult with your doctor about integrating these suggestions with your conventional treatment plan.

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